Monday, June 23, 2008

Jaxon Finishes Swimming Lessons

Jaxon just finished his summer swim lessons. He is brave as they come now. It seems that when you live in Texas ,and it is summer for 9 months of the year, you become a fish. Here are a few pictures of his last "show off" day at swim lessons.


Kaylene said...

That water looks so fabulous! I want to just jump in and cool off! Thanks for the comment on my blog. I'm excited to be able to see how you guys are doing as well. So let's keep in touch. Email me and I will give you the low down on what brought us here and on my sis and all that good stuff. Oh BTW, I have "comment moderation" set on my blog that is why your first comment didn't show up. (my friend was having spam comments on her blog)

Jenny said...

these pics turned out great! Love the jump off the side..these boys are getting so old!

Erica Johnston said...

So fun! What a fish! Congrats on the house, the baby and having such a cute family!!!! So glad to have your blog!

Wardell Family said...

Congrats Jaxon! That is very impressive. He is growing up too comes kindergarten. What a sweet kid.

Keri said...

Yes, we still live in idaho and love it. Greg is great. He has a 20 minute commute tops, that beats the almost 1.5 commute in Wash. So glad we found each others blogs. Suzi is having a baby. 28 weeks along. Moving to Viginia to work for J CRew. Lucky girl. Hope all is well.Keep in touch.

Keri said...

Thank you for intoducing me to my new favorite song- She will be loved. I cant get enough of it. I am sure it means more to you than people think. She will be loved. The first time I looked at your blog and saw all the pictures of your sweet little babys funeral and that song played I just bawled. You are a strong wonderful girl Anne. I am glad I got to know you even if it was a short while.

Natalie said...

We LOVE swimming. Ethan is starting lessons in two weeks. I can't wait!

Andrea said...

Oh that looks like so much fun - our kids are in swimming lessons now too and loving it. Fun to see your blog...we have one too - hope you don't mind that I added you to our contacts. Your kids are darling!
Andrea Cook